dominant and submissive

I have always found the power roles in a relationship to be among the most crucial aspects of the dynamic between two people. My close friend, a practicing psychologist, always tells me, we would be surprised if we see how many relationships break away. They break away because of suppressed power personalities not adding up to the dreams that occurred in between conversations. I have heard so much regarding the matter from him. It has propelled me to write a few lines on the dominant and submissive personality traits.

Understanding Dominant Personality in Relationships

If we have to start with what refers to a dominant personality, I guess we have a fairly decent idea of what the term entails. We all have conversations distinguishing the submissive and dominant personality traits. Few of us admire the people who are the dominant personality type others the other way round.

Understanding Dominant Personality in Relationships

One issue that always needs attention, regarding any talk between dominant and submissive traits, is a person’s dominant personality in real life. This person has no assurance he would be the same dominant personality type during sexual encounters. Remember the conversations, when someone is glowing and shares how great their sex life is with a said person, they are so because their personalities and power dynamics have made a good match.

A person might be more inclined during day-to-day affairs to showcase more of a dominant personality. The affinity in bed can completely turn. There is every chance the dominant personality in relationships prefers the submissive while the submissive takes in the footsteps of the dominant personality. Thus what we can infer over here, submissive and dominant personality traits are not set in stone by any sense of the imagination. The submissive VS dominant personality is often interchangeable and you will see loads of people hovering somewhere in the middle.

A Brief On Dominant and Submissive Personality

A Brief On Submissive VS Dominant Personality

To continue the discussion between dominant and submissive personality traits, a dominant personality type is usually the person initiating sex, leading the course of the intercourse, taking charge, power exchange, deciding the next steps of pleasure, often playfully and always consensually putting the submissive under the enforcement to agree to the different steps of pleasure during the encounter. Remember the last line is extremely gray and is more dependent on your partner and your relationship.

It is always possible for two dominant personalities and two submissive personalities to be in a relationship. Like everything else in life, one has to adapt and change and tread ways accordingly. The submissive VS dominant personality is not only related to relationships more on the fringes of fetish and kinks. In every relationship, the dynamic of the dominant and the submissive personality traits are always ever present. Yes, I am aware no one reading this will be oblivious to the fact.

Ways Out if you Wish to Stay and Try

Imagine a relationship between two submissive role players. The problem that usually arises is the constant initiation of one person leaving the person drained and psychologically unfulfilled. There might be the other case of both waiting for their partner or person of attraction to initiate sex, and then such efforts never really taking shape in reality or not as much. Of course, now, there doesn’t necessarily have to be a combination of dominant personality traits to make a relationship work. An exchange of roles for both the submissive to slip into the shoes of the dominant personality type will do fine.

Ways Out if you Wish to Stay and Try

Much similarly if a dominant personality or a dominant personality type shares prolonged relationships involving sexual encounters, the power struggle between two dominant personalities in relationships can leave fatigue and anguish, and desperation. There will come a tipping point, with either or both the dominant personality type will long for a relationship pertaining more to the dominant and the submissive personality traits. In the case of a relationship with both the partner submissive, the dominant personality in the relationship if both partners share the same, slipping away and adopting will have to be the approach.

Act Submissive and Let the Fun Begin

It is important not to let your partner do all the work. Act submissive, and then play the role for quite long enough more than your partner’s liking. Remember much like you, your partner is a dominant personality. If your partner is putting in the effort, so should you.

There can also be the case of a person always being in partnerships involving dominant and submissive personality traits. A change of such a dynamic and getting involved in personality types involving the same can become problematic. Such a person might not be familiar with every aspect of a submissive VS dominant personality and real-life adjustments. An encounter of the manner might leave the person surprised or worse turned off. This requires a deeper understanding of the submissive and dominant personality traits. Also, an understanding of what is required at the individual point.

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Final Words

Your partner might be a dominant personality. Or he/she may be a submissive. Just take the time, adjust accordingly and understand each other’s desires and points of happiness. While both outside in everyday life and during sexual encounters. Remember every aspect of dominant VS submissive personality or personality traits. However, if you like to term, it can be adjusted more often than not. You just have to lend a listening ear to your partner.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What does it mean to be dominant or submissive in a relationship?

Dominance and submission refer to power dynamics within a relationship, where one partner takes on a more authoritative or controlling role (dominant), while the other embraces a more passive or subservient role (submissive). These roles are consensually agreed upon and often associated with BDSM practices.

Q2. Is being dominant or submissive solely about physical activities?

No, dominance and submission encompass more than physical activities. While BDSM practices may involve physical aspects, the roles also extend to emotional and psychological dynamics, involving trust, communication, and the exchange of power in various aspects of the relationship.

Q3. How can a couple explore dominance and submission safely?

Communication is crucial. Partners should openly discuss their desires, boundaries, and expectations. Establishing a safe word is essential to ensure that either partner can express discomfort or stop the activities if needed. Additionally, start with small steps and gradually explore more intense activities as trust and comfort levels increase.

Q4. Are dominance and submission roles fixed, or can they be fluid in a relationship?

Roles can be fluid and adaptable. Many couples engage in “switching,” where partners may take turns being dominant or submissive. The flexibility allows for a dynamic and evolving relationship, catering to the changing needs and desires of both individuals.

Q5. Is engaging in dominance and submission indicative of an unhealthy relationship?

Not necessarily. As long as the roles are consensual, communicated, and bring satisfaction to both partners, engaging in dominance and submission does not indicate an unhealthy relationship. It’s essential for partners to maintain open communication, trust, and respect for each other’s boundaries.


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